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Friends to practice sports?

Install our app and start sharing your routes with friends

- About Us

BekonnektSports is the leading social sports app. We focus on the details that make the difference and that increasingly attract high-performance athletes and fans who enjoy their favorite sport.
Our app wants to bring together and unite not only athletes but also stores and events related to any sport. You will enter an increasingly larger circle where you will find out everything that happens in the area where you live, offers and meetings to practice sports.
Our company resides in Mallorca (Spain) and we are a young development team willing to provide extra satisfaction in any sport that is practiced.
Join our project, practice sports and share your activity with more than 25,000 athletes and sports lovers.

  • Interesting posts
  • Offers & Extra services
  • Personal profile
  • Publish your activity
  • Follow athletes and friends
  • Chat with your friends
  • Create meetups in your area
  • Save your statistics

- Contact Us

Do you have any problem accessing or have a question about our app?

Our Location

Spain, Illes Balears, 07120, Camí de la Real 79A

Social Media

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